Name of Innovation

Magic Cube

  • Our projects include ESP32, Arduino boards
  • Contributed a complete API of android app with modules containing LED patterns, Noise Generator and Yoga using bluetooth
  • In our Cube, there are different patterns of LED which we can operate using Bluetooth Noise generator have different volumes based on customers’ priority; they can select the volume to clear the disturbance caused while they are studying. Based on the experience of a person in yoga they can select a level while doing yoga.



  • Woclo provides access to numerous tutorials and seamless workspace to run your projects and services. We render bundled cloud solution using the latest technologies. It is well known how tedious it is for students to create a complete setup with multiple technologies installed and make them work conjointly, let alone dedicate a computing resource or server. Woclo, simplifies all the steps from the get-go and directly provides a custom-tailored workspace.



  • Front end Php, HTML,CSS,Javascript,JQuery and also using some of libraries bootstrap and jQuery
  • Backend(server side)  php, python based and database (mysql and elasticsearch)
  • Managing database through Queries, retrieve and deletion of data from database


Retailer Business Support System

  • Image Processing using Python(opencv, PIL, numpy, pandas )
  • Face detection, cropping and manupilating the images and other objeCT identifications
  • Video Frame Managements
  • Front-end Php, HTML, CSS, Javaquery, JQuery and also using some of libraries bootstrap and jQuery
  • Backend (server side)  php, python based and database mysql
  • Managing database