HBase Commands

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HBase Commands

May 17, 2017 Hadoop NoSQL Tutorial Uncategorized 0
./bin/hbase shell

woir> list

woir> status

woir> version

woir> table_help

woir> whoami

woir> create 'woir', 'family data', ’work data’

woir> disable 'woir'

woir> is_disabled 'table name'

woir> is_disabled 'woir'

woir> disable_all 'amar.*'

woir> enable 'woir'

woir> scan 'woir'

woir> is_enabled 'table name'

woir> is_enabled 'woir'

woir> describe 'woir'

woir> alter 'woir', NAME => 'family data', VERSIONS => 5

woir> alter 'woir', READONLY

woir> alter 't1', METHOD => 'table_att_unset', NAME => 'MAX_FILESIZE'

woir> alter ‘ table name ’, ‘delete’ => ‘ column family ’ 

woir> scan 'woir'

woir> alter 'woir','delete'=>'work'

woir> scan 'woir'

woir> exists 'woir'

woir> exists 'student'

woir> exists 'student'

woir> drop 'woir'

woir> exists 'woir'

woir> drop_all ‘t.*’ 


woir> put 'woir','1','family data:name','kaka'

woir> put 'woir','1','work 

woir> put 'woir','1','work data:salary','50000'

woir> scan 'woir'

woir> put 'woir','row1','family:city','Delhi'

woir> scan 'woir'

woir> get 'woir', '1'

woir>get 'table name', ‘rowid’, {COLUMN => ‘column family:column name ’}

woir> get 'woir', 'row1', {COLUMN=>'family:name'}

woir> delete 'woir', '1', 'family data:city', 1417521848375

woir> deleteall 'woir','1'

woir> scan 'woir'

woir> count 'woir'

woir> truncate 'table name'

Command Usage
hbase> scan ‘.META.’, {COLUMNS => ‘info:regioninfo’} It display all the meta data information related to columns that are present in the tables in HBase
hbase> scan ‘woir’, {COLUMNS => [‘c1’, ‘c2’], LIMIT => 10, STARTROW => ‘abc’} It display contents of table guru99 with their column families c1 and c2 limiting the values to 10
hbase> scan ‘woir’, {COLUMNS => ‘c1’, TIMERANGE => [1303668804, 1303668904]} It display contents of guru99 with its column name c1 with the values present in between the mentioned time range attribute value
hbase> scan ‘woir’, {RAW => true, VERSIONS =>10} In this command RAW=> true provides advanced feature like to display all the cell values present in the table guru99